Travel Tips

If you have been diagnosed with cancer and the hospital or treatment center you are going to use is far from your home at the other side of the country. What will you do now? There are so many different expenses of fighting with cancel such as medicines, hospital fee, travel, etc. and also there could be loss of work due to bad health. The patient and spouse need some extra money for the flights to and from along with other expenses.

Free Flight for Cancer Patients

You might be unaware of it, but there are several organizations and networks providing free flights for cancer patients. You can get a free flight booking to and from your home airport to the city where the patient needs to be treated.

In order to get a good treatment sometimes, cancer patients need to travel another part of the country or sometimes they need to travel out of the country for the same. Travelling long distances for the treatment of cancer will cost you so much and the patient’s energy level will be exhausted during a long journey. To help the cancer patients and remove the burden of travel expenses organizations are offering free flights for the cancer patients on the normal flights and private Jets.

Most of the groups and organizations who are providing this travel help for cancer patients need the patient in ambulatory condition (patient is able to walk with a little or without assistance in and out from the plane and he or she should be medically stable as pilots will not be able to provide the medical facilities).

Some of the groups and organizations will require you to show the proof of financial need however some of them don’t and the patients travelling in the free flight are allowed to travel with one of the accompanied family member or person for support.

If you have started searching for the free flights for the cancer treatment the National Patient Travel Center also known as NPTC will be the best place. They will help you in connecting the cancer patient with the flight resource available for the date and the destination patient needs to travel. They will not charge you for this referral and also you have the option to contact the organizations and groups providing the flights for the cancer patients directly.

Organizations Helping Cancer Patients

This is how to book a flight ticket for cancer patient without paying the flight booking fares. Some of the organizations who help the cancer patients by providing the flight tickets free of cost for the treatment are listed below:

ANGEL FLIGHT: There are several groups of Angel Flights on the Map as per the geographical location. You can check the availability in your country to seek help.

ANGEL FLIGHT NIH: It flies the cancer patients throughout the USA, but only for the cancer patients who are involved in a research study or clinical trials.

Air Compassion for Veteran: It helps the Veteran seeking treatment and wounded warriors.

Children’s flight of HOPE: It serves only pediatric cancer patients.

Corporate Angel Network: They don’t need the proof of financial need and serves on both private Jets and the vacant seats on the corporate Jets.

FOOTPRINTS in the Sky: while getting help from them you are allowed to travel with 3 family members in most of the cases and if there is no immediate family member present, the patient can travel with one non-family member for the assistance throughout the journey.

Hope Flight Foundation: It serves only the pediatric patient, who lives in California, Nevada, and Oregon.

Miracle flights for Kids: This organization serves only pediatric cancer patients.

Patient Airlift Service: It covers flights for cancer patients in the entire northeast United States.

These organizations are serving to make this world a better place to live. If you need any help, you can contact them and they will surely help you with the best possible way.

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